Effective communication with parents and carers is very important to us here at St George’s Roman Catholic Primary School. This website contains all of the dates for the year, term dates, regular newsletters, Mass and Celebration dates for the whole year, social media feeds, and much more!
Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance and punctuality are very important. The school gate opens at 8:40 and our learning starts at 8:45. Morning registers are closed at a certain time and unfortunately children who arrive late are marked as absent for the whole morning. Please make sure your child arrives to school ON TIME. You can read more about the timings of the school day here.
Our school target is 96% attendance. This figures allows some flexibility and leeway for normal childhood illnesses. Please let us know via the ‘StudyBugs’ app or phone us straight away if your child is absent due to illness – if we don’t hear from you we will have to contact you. You can download the app, or register to use it online via a web browser, here. If you feel that you need support with punctuality and attendance, please do talk to us.
Extra Curricular Activities
Our children are able to take part in a range of extra curricular clubs throughout the year – watch out for information from the office with all the latest clubs news, and letters in book bags from teachers!
We also have a range of instrument lessons, which can include brass, woodwind, piano, keyboard and violin tuition, during school hours from peripatetic tutors. As of November 2024 we still have some spaces for music lessons for:
- All woodwind instruments
- All brass instruments
- Piano
- Guitar
Please contact Mrs Statham if you would like to book music lessons for your child.
Visits and Trips
Our children regularly have the opportunity to take educational visits around the City and surrounding areas. Being centrally located, we try to maximise these opportunities wherever possible to enrich the learning for our children. Recent visits have included the Castle Museum, York Library, the Minster, York Theatre Royal, York Food Festival at the Guildhall, the Fire Station, City Walls, Barley Hall, Jorvik Museum, City Art Gallery, Fishergate cemetery, The Shambles and the Yorkshire Museum. Please keep an eye on the Class Newsletters, available on the class pages, and the website calendar to keep up to date with everything that is happening in school!
Homework is project based and each class is given assignments for the term, and you will find copies of these on the class pages. The children choose which assignment they would like to complete. We also expect children to read EVERY night ~ either their home reader or a well loved book from home. Children need to know ALL of their times tables by the end of year 4. All children have a log in and personal avatar for Times Tables Rock Stars.
Other Useful Information
Swimming lessons for KS2 classes are taken at Yearsley Swimming Pool – you will be contacted when it is the turn of your child’s class – and our children take part in many sporting competitions around York.
We are lucky enough to have a wildlife area, wild meadow and school allotment within our extensive grounds and field, which provide the children with many outdoor learning opportunities.
There is a first aid station open each lunchtime for the children run by our fully trained teachers and support staff.
Many of our children transfer to All Saints RC Secondary School, or Fulford Secondary School, with which we also have strong links.
Lastly, if there are ANY skills that you think you could share with school please do let us know!! We always need skilled reading volunteers, gardeners, artists and handy people! Thank you!
If you are a parent or carer of a pupil and would like paper copies of documents or information from this website, please contact the school office, who would be happy to assist you. These will be provided free of charge