Wearing a school uniform has been proven to reduce conflict in schools and make children feel proud to be part of one family or group. We are very proud of St George’s school and expect our pupils to wear their St George’s uniform with pride.

By sending your child to St. George’s, you are accepting and supporting our school policies and procedures on school uniform. Parents’ co-operation and support in helping us to maintain our uniform policy is greatly appreciated and valued.

You can read our School Uniform Policy on the Policies & Documents page of our website.

School Uniform

  • St George’s green sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo on
  • White or red polo shirts (logoed ones are available)
  • Grey or black trousers and shorts (no jeans or leggings)
  • Green, grey or black skirts or pinafores
  • Red or green gingham summer dresses
  • Book Bags can be purchased from the school office

PE Uniform

  • Plain t shirt (white or black – no patterns or pictures)
  • Dark shorts or trousers (no coloured leggings)
  • Pair of trainers
  • PLAIN dark sports top or sweatshirt
  • Football shirts or any obviously branded clothing or clothes that are
    more suitable for ‘own clothes day’ are not permitted as PE uniform at
  • Children should arrive in PE uniform on their PE days.


Children are permitted to wear trainers to school which allows them to run safely at playtimes. You do not have to purchase ‘school shoes’. These are expensive and are not suitable for playing and running.

All children MUST have a pair of indoor shoes to change into as outdoor shoes are not permitted inside school. This is because children like to sit or lie on the carpets to read, write and listen to their teachers ~ and we also like a clean and safe school. Plimsolls are perfect as indoor shoes.

Children in Nursery and Reception need a pair of wellies.

Further Information

Pupils who wear earrings other than plain studs will be asked to remove them.

School uniform jumpers, together with a range of other items including book bags and PE bags, can be ordered online from Get Branded.

Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with your child’s name. We expect children to look after their own belongings so parents can help their child by making sure that everything is named. We do not operate a lost property system.

We also have a recycling scheme for uniform with many new and nearly new items available for a small cost. Please contact the office for more details.