Welcome to Dragons’ Den! We are so pleased you are part of, or are considering joining, our club!
Breakfast club runs from 7:30 until 8:50. There is a choice of cereals and toast and an opportunity for reading, changing reading books and quiet activities so that your child has the perfect start to their school day.
Extended day runs from 15:00 and we provide fun and exciting activities for your children such as: computer coding, playing on the field, outdoor basketball, chess, small world, board games, arts and crafts, relaxing areas to read, spaces to do homework. We also provide a light snack.
You can choose to book a place for your child until 17:00 or 17:30; if you want your child to stay until 17:30 you need to make us aware of that in advance. There will be reduced staff from 17:00 and it is vital that we stay within our safe adult:child ratios.
The welcome pack contains information about Dragons’ Den’s aims, opening times, fees, policies etc. and you can pick up a copy, together with booking forms, from the school office. We hope this pack will give you the information you need but if you have any queries or questions please feel free to speak to our lovely manager, Rachel Fletcher, who will be very happy to help.
Please see below letters and documents relating to Dragons’ Den.