At St George’s RC Primary School, the welfare of our children is of paramount importance.

Safeguarding children in school is the responsibility of all staff who work within the school and we ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities.

Our Safeguarding team is Lyn Baxter (governor), Clare Clark (deputy head) and Dee Statham (headteacher).

If you have any concerns about a child or adult at St George’s RC School please contact a member of the Safeguarding team immediately.

You can find a copy of our safeguarding & child protection policy in our policies section.

You can find a wealth of child protection and online safety websites on our Trust Website

One of the most important documents used in school is the Keeping Children Safe in Education. This document is produced by the Government and sets out the responsibilities of all schools for keeping the children in their care safe. This can be downloaded from the DFE website.