The School Day

The Compulsory School Day (Reception to Year 6)
School Start Time 8:45am
School Finish Time 3:15pm
Total time in school per week 32 hours 30 minutes
Nursery Opening Hours
Starts 7:30am
Finishes 5:30pm
Wraparound Provision
Breakfast provision start time 7:30am
After school provision finish time 5:30pm

School is open for pupils from 08:45 until 15:15 and the official school start time is 08:45 when registers are taken. Children should be in school, ready to learn, by 08:45 at the latest.

Please note that we operate a one way system on the school gates at the start and end of the school day – please come in the ‘nursery’ gate and leave by main playground gate. Each morning the Headteacher and a member of our staff will be on the ‘entry’ gate to greet children and families, and at the end of the day two members of staff will be at the ‘exit’ gate to say goodbye!

The gates at the front of school will be locked at 08:55 for safeguarding reasons – children arriving after this time should enter school via the office.

Four mornings a week, at 09:30, we gather as a whole school community for collective worship.

Parents are most welcome to join us on Thursdays at 09:30.

One day a week the children plan, prepare and lead their own child led liturgies for their own class. These liturgies take place in the classroom, hall or even outside depending on what the children choose.

Early Years

  • Our school day begins at 08:45
  • Parents and carers bring their child and hand them over to staff at the Reception classroom door – mini dragons will then go through the ‘magic door’ into nursery
  • Early Years have a slightly earlier lunch break, usually starting a little before 12
  • Our school day for the Early Years children finishes at 15:15 – please collect your child from the classroom door

Key Stage 1

  • KS1 children enter school at the start of the day through their classroom doors, which open at 08:40
  • They hang up their coats, put away their bags, and change into their indoor shoes
  • Please note that our learning starts at 08:45
  • We have a morning playtime from 10:45 – 11:00
  • Lunchtime for KS1 is from 12 noon until 13:00
  • Our school day ends at 15:15
  • Parents and carers collect their child from their classroom door

Key Stage 2

  • Classrooms are open from 08:40 and the children enter via the Y5/6 door and go to their cloakrooms where they can organise their belongings and change into indoor shoes
  • Our learning begins at 08:45
  • We have a morning playtime from 10:45 – 11:00
  • Lunchtime for KS2 is from 12:10 until 13:00
  • Our school day ends at 15:15
  • Children make their way to the school playground to be collected

Nursery – for mini dragons!

Our super Nursery opens at 07:30 and finishes at 17:30

Dragons’ Den Extended Day

Dragons’ Den is our high quality on-site extended school facility.

  • Breakfast club runs from 07:30am until 08:45
  • Extended day runs from 15:15 until 17:30