Although we are a single form entry school with one class in each year group, we greatly value the friendships and supportive learning relationships that develop between children of different ages here at St George’s. This starts in the Early Years Foundation Stage with strong teamwork between the teachers of both the Nursery and Reception children and the connected vibrant, spacious and flexible learning environments, each with cosy corners for quieter learning and sharing access to an exciting outdoor area – which is hugely popular with the children!

As the children progress through the school we continue this emphasis on collaborative learning and co-operation across the different year groups in enrichment activities in smaller, mixed-age groups as well as through ‘buddying’ programmes such as Year Five pupils supporting children from EYFS during lunchtime, and shared reading projects.

Curriculum Intent

  • To make the teachings of Jesus alive and relevant to our lives today
  • To encourage EVERYONE in our school family to constantly ask the question WHY?
  • To develop a LOVE of learning for everyone
  • To encourage everyone to be life long and curious learners
  • To make everyone feel proud of themselves
  • To make everyone feel valued
  • To help children understand their place in the world
  • To make sure our curriculum is bespoke for our children

Curriculum Implementation

  • Christ and Love are at the centre of all that we do
  • We stand on the shoulders of giants
  • We understand the pedagogy behind teaching and learning
  • We make sure every teacher has outstanding subject knowledge
  • The teacher is the expert in the room and shares knowledge and facts with the children
  • We know that the best resource teachers have is EACH other ~ so we share all of our skills
  • We make sure that art, music, drama, DT, gardening, cookery, sculpture and local visits are just as important as maths and English
  • We make our learning environments just right for the children
  • We recognise the classroom environment as the ‘third teacher’
  • We adapt and change things to suit each child
  • We have no public rewards or sanctions
  • Children choose their own levels in every lesson
  • All children take part in Collective Worship regardless of their own faith. We are a very spiritual school and come together every day to pray, sing and reflect
  • We use our context of living in YORK city centre as a golden thread that runs through our curriculum
  • Children are respectful and tolerant as they have the amazing and unique opportunity to meet children from all faiths, backgrounds and ethnicities
  • Nothing is seen as a problem here

Curriculum Impact

  • Catholic life of the school is outstanding
  • Children are HAPPY, confident learners
  • Children arrive in school every morning happy and excited
  • The teaching of knowledge and facts leads to independent, confident learners
  • Behaviour is outstanding
  • Welfare and personal development is outstanding
  • Children make excellent progress from their individual starting points
  • Children know about their own City of York and understand that they belong to this little corner of the world

Wider Curriculum Whole School Maps

Phonics and Reading Schemes

We use FFT Success for All as our chosen phonics and reading scheme. You can find out more about this fantastic scheme on our Reading and Phonics page, or visit their website by clicking here:

Music Development Plan

Want to find out more?

You can find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage, the EYFS Statutory Framework, and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2, which includes the programmes of study for all subjects, on the website.

Parents and carers are, of course, always very welcome to ask us in school if you want to find out more about what your child is learning, and remember to follow our social media accounts to see what is happening in school!