Google Classroom is the main platform that we use to support remote and home learning at St George’s RC Primary, as well as being a tool that we use in lessons throughout KS1 and KS2. All the children from Year 1 upwards regularly use Google Classroom, and the Google Workspace apps where appropriate, in lessons using the Chromebooks so that it is a familiar environment that they can access with confidence.

Every child has a unique login to access this platform. We prioritise actively teaching the children in KS1 how to do this in the Autumn term which greatly supported the smooth transition to remote learning when this was necessary. Click on the Classroom to log in to Google Classroom.

We subscribe to a fantastic online service called Purple Mash which is full of great resources, activities and creative tools and your child can even save their work online. We often use Purple Mash in our Computing lessons in school, and may sometimes include activities from Purple Mash as homework choices.

We also subscribe to both Numbots and Times Tables Rocks Stars. The children from Y1 to Y6 have used either Numbots, TTRS or both in school to consolidate their maths learning and they  really love to play!

Just click on the pictures to go directly to the St George’s RC Primary portal on these sites.

The children often use these resources in school so they should be familiar to most. Each child will have an individual login to sign in to these sites, and log in details are sent home, but if you need a reminder please let us know.