At St George’s RC Primary School we support all children to enable them to be the best they can possibly be. In order to do this, many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.

Quality Teaching is vital ~ however for some children there are occasions when further support may be needed to help them overcome difficulties.

Our SENDCo is Mrs Temple, who can be contacted via the school office.

SEND Report

We are proud of our inclusive ethos and aim to support every child so that they can achieve their very best. All pupils at St George’s receive quality teaching using a range of approaches to ensure they have a curriculum that matches their needs. In order to do this some children may need additional support during their time at school. The SEND Report outlines the provision which we offer at St George’s RC Primary School and aims to answer any potential questions which you might have.

Our SEND school report is reviewed and updated at least annually, in the Autumn term, and may also be amended in between when relevant.

York SEND LocalOffer

For information about the provisions in and across York for children with special educational needs and disabilities, please see the SEND Local Offer in York on the website.


You can find more detail in the full SEND report above, but we hope that these FAQs might help parents and carers!

A child is considered to have special needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for them.

Your child might need extra support if they:

  • find it harder to learn than other children their age
  • have a condition which means their school or setting is not accessible to them
  • struggle with social, emotional or mental health difficulties
  • have sensory or physical needs
  • have speech, language or communication needs, including autism

Class teachers continually assess children and track the progress they are making. If your child is having difficulties in a particular area of the curriculum, first we will talk to you about this and develop a plan to work collaboratively to support them. If they continue to have difficulties, your child may be identified as having special educational needs.

Children’s difficulties may fall into one (or more) of four broad areas:

  • Cognition and learning needs
  • Emotional and social development needs
  • Communication and interaction needs
  • Sensory, physical or medical needs

At St George’s we support children with a range of needs and we will work with you so that together we can meet your child’s needs!

Come and talk to us! Start by making an appointment with their  teacher. Together we can decide on the next step.

All staff have been trained in a variety of different approaches to teaching and learning. We are able to adapt our teaching to meet the needs of all children. If your child needs extra support we will work together with you to liaise with other professionals. We will listen to your child, and they will be fully involved and supported through every process.

There are four ‘Steps’ of support, ranging from in-class support to an EHCP. Different children have different needs – we will always work with you to try to find the best support for your child.

Resources and support are allocated according to need.

We assess children’s progress using a range of methods from observation, marking and feedback, discussion and independent work to diagnostic tests and sometimes involvement from outside agencies. We always try to  make sure this is not a stressful process for the children. We explain to the children that the reason for assessing is to identify the next steps to help them in their learning. It helps us know how to help them!

It is very important to us that you are fully involved in your child’s learning. You know your child better than anyone else and your support is crucial! All our families are sent reports and are offered parents’ evening appointments. If your child has special educational needs they will have a pupil passport which will be reviewed three times a year. If you have a question, the class teacher is always your first port of call. They will discuss targets and ways that you can help your child.

We provide high quality PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and RSE (Relationships, Sex Education). We use the TenTen scheme to deliver PSHE and RSE sessions in a way that is underpinned by our Christian faith. Some children may also attend wellbeing sessions – these are run by teachers or teaching assistance who are highly experienced in supporting children’s emotional and social development.

Our admission arrangements for pupils with SEND are the same as for every child in school – for more information please see the full SEND report above and our Admission Arrangements page.

Parents of children with disabilities are invited to speak to us prior to admission to discuss any reasonable adjustments required so that we can plan accordingly.

At St George’s, transition meetings for all children with SEND are well established.

When your child is getting ready to move up to secondary school, staff from the relevant secondary school will visit St George’s to discuss your child’s needs with the SENDCO and Y6 teachers. Some children in Year 6 will have extra visits to their chosen secondary school. They may offer a transition meeting with you, as parents and carers, to make a careful plan to support your child’s needs and to make sure that they have the best possible start at secondary school. If your child has an EHCP, this process will begin in Year 5.

Nursery and Reception work closely on transition and the free flow set up – and our ‘magic door’ – supports this. In the Summer term children are invited to attend ‘New Starter’ days where they have the opportunity to practise being Reception children and meet their new class teacher. The same happens throughout school so that all children have transition days with their new teacher. Extra transition days can be included in an individual plan if needed!

At St George’s Primary School we operate an ‘open door’ policy. Parents and carers are encouraged to speak with the class teacher about any concerns they may have. They will be able to discuss additional support children are receiving. So again – come and talk to us!

We hope that we can all work together to see your child make good progress. If, however, you have a concern or complaint about the way we have supported and helped your child you will find details of what to do in the SEND report, and the Trust Complaints Policy is available on the website.

Sometimes the school will ask for some help from an outside agency. This is to get specific, targeted support that is unique for the individual child. We have established excellent working relationships with a wide range of professionals and agencies. We will always ask for your consent when involving other agencies in your child’s education, apart from in certain circumstances involving social care referrals.

The Local Authority offers a range of specialist support and outreach services. You can read all about this on the Local Offer website.

The Local Offer

York’s SEND Local Offer website will enable parents and young people to see what disability services are available in their area and how to access them.

SENDIASS (formerly Parent Partnership Service)

SENDIASS, York Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (formerly known as York Parent Partnership Service) provides information, advice and support (IAS) to parents, carers, children and young people in relation to Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability and related health and social care issues.

To contact SENDIASS

  • Call 01904 555698 – Tuesday to Thursday (term time only)
  • Call 01904 554312 – Monday, Thursday and Friday
  • Email: [email protected]

City of York SEND Information

The Local Offer

The York Local Offer website provides information about the available support for parent carers, professionals as well as children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in York. If the child or young person does not have SEND but you feel they need support in some part of their development, the information on this website can help.

York SEND Outcomes Framework

In 2022 the SEND Outcomes Framework was published.  Developed through joint partnership working, it is designed to change the way City of York Council measures effectiveness in supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. You can read more about the Outcomes Framework here.

Please see here for further links and information about other CYC services offering family support.

SEND Guidance for Parents

This guide, produced by the Department for Education, explains how the system that supports children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) works. It covers:

  • the law and guidance on which the system is based
  • places to go for help and further information
  • details about changes to the system from 1 September 2014

The guide can be found using the following link: